2 min read

2319: Dancing in the Rain

2319: Dancing in the Rain
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

Hey friends,

I’ll keep this brief, but I wanted to reconnect after taking some time off to process a whirlwind of emotions and figure out my next steps following the arrival of my MCAT score. While the score itself isn’t the focus today, I want to share a bit about the journey, the effort I put in, and the unexpected outcomes.

This year, I poured my heart and soul into preparing for the MCAT, and not reaching the exact goal at the exact time I set for myself was tough. For a few days, I felt empty—emotionally drained, disoriented, and shocked. The uncertainty of what lies ahead weighed heavily on my mind. I thought I had everything figured out, and while I did get some things right, I know I missed the mark on others. Not that it would have necessarily changed the outcome, but it’s a note to self for moving forward.

After spending time talking with family and friends, I found the strength to pull myself out of that rough spot. Their support helped me accept the present and shift my focus to the positives.

What I’ve realized is that, despite the score and whatever the future holds, the goal still remains. I’ve achieved much more than I initially recognized. I developed a strong work ethic and built new habits and hobbies that have become integral to my life. One of the most surprising joys has been my newfound love for golf. A year ago, I could barely hit the ball off the tee. Now, I’m consistently driving over 200 yards—a milestone that once seemed like a distant dream.

This journey has taught me to appreciate the small victories and to avoid overthinking, though I still struggle with that sometimes. I now understand what it means to dance in the rain—to find joy and purpose even when things don’t go as planned. The skies will clear eventually, but until then, I’m committed to living life to the fullest.

Here’s to finding the positives in every situation and holding onto the faith that God is always in your favor.


Zechariah Davis

Song of the week:

  • "Let It All Work Out"
    • Lil Wayne

Quote of the week:

Scripture of the Week:

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