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2319: Flo-Rida Dump

2319: Flo-Rida Dump

Hey Friends,

This week, I want to share a bit about my recent getaway to Florida, a brief but refreshing departure from my usual MCAT prep grind. Admittedly, when my sister proposed the idea of a beach trip, my initial reaction was torn between the need to study and the urge for a break. Reflecting on my non-stop schedule, even through holidays, I realized the importance of stepping away momentarily for some much-needed relaxation beside the ocean.

Our visit was short but significant. We arrived on Tuesday, and by Wednesday, I found myself seeking a deeper connection with the place I’ve known for years. Despite frequent visits, I often felt just physically present, missing out on truly experiencing the beach's beauty and the surrounding area's charm. This time, I was determined to change that.

Opting for a walk instead of the usual bike rides or golf cart drives, I discovered a new side to the familiar settings of Sandestin. This 70-minute walk was not just about exercise; it opened my eyes to the simple beauty of nature and the warmth of Southern hospitality. People greeting each other with smiles and friendly hellos reminded me of the distinct sense of community here, contrasting with the more reserved atmosphere I've experienced up North.

The walk led to a profound realization: life’s challenges are manageable, and it’s crucial to balance academic pursuits with moments of personal enjoyment. The saying, “Stop and smell the roses,” truly resonated with me during this walk. It was a reminder to appreciate the present and find joy in the little things.

A funny moment I’ll share with you all was when we came across a bridge with an alligator warning sign. It was such an unexpected and humorous sight that I chose it as this newsletter's cover photo. Despite the physical discomfort from the walk, it underscored a lesson in perseverance and enjoying the moment, regardless of minor discomforts.

This trip, especially the insightful walk with my dad, was a gentle nudge to maintain balance in life, to be fully present, and to face challenges with resilience. These lessons extend beyond my academic goals, offering a broader perspective on life and the importance of cherishing every step of our journey.

Until our next update, let’s remember to embrace both the challenges and the joys life offers, finding value in every moment.


Zechariah Davis

Song of the week:

  • "Smokin Out The Window"- Bruno Mars, Silk Sonic

Quote of the week:

  • "Work Hard, Play Hard"
    • Wiz Khalifa

Scripture of the Week:

  • Matthew 7:7

Brain Food:

  • Use Your Head
    • A creative way of studying to truly make things connect. I suggest watching the summary starting at 2:16:11 and then watching from the beginning. This system of watching will make sense after.

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