3 min read

2319: Gunas

2319: Gunas
Photo by Deniz Altindas / Unsplash

Hey Friends,

No matter how hard I try to avoid YouTube or TikTok, they always seem to present just the right video at the perfect moment. This week has been particularly challenging in terms of managing my academic workload. Classes kicked off last week, which felt more like a warm-up in anticipation of week two. As this week draws to a close, I'm convinced that this semester will be one of significant growth.

A major focus for me now is integrating MCAT question banks into my regular study routine without constantly overextending myself. While there's a time and place for pushing the limits, it's unsustainable as a regular practice because recovery becomes impossible. I've been adapting my sleep schedule, allowing for a 30-minute plus or minus time window. However, I will say that if I fall asleep at the later end of that plus or minus time, I feel it in the morning😂. Nevertheless, it's all part of the process; we adjust and move forward, taking note for the next night.

This brings me to a YouTube video I initially tried to avoid: one by Dr. Alok Kanojia, also known as Dr. K. He's a Harvard-trained addiction psychiatrist with a mission to provide mental health services to everyone. His video, "How to Make Life Easy," discusses the importance of embracing today's challenges to ease our future. Discovering this video was serendipitous. After grappling with a difficult set of practice questions, I took a break and found Dr. K's insights.

Dr. K explores the Yoga philosophy concept of "Guna," which means "quality, peculiarity, attribute, or tendency." He differentiates between "Jogi" and "Yogi," practitioners of yoga, highlighting their subtle differences yet similar paths. He elaborates on the balance principle, akin to Yin and Yang, through the elements of Tamas, Rajas, and Sattva:

  • Tamas represents darkness, inactivity, and inertia, manifesting as ignorance and blocking spiritual truths. Doubt, for instance, can deepen a Tamas state.
  • Rajas symbolizes activity, passion, and attachment, driven by desires and emotions like anger, fear, and euphoria.
  • Sattva is the equilibrium of Tamas and Rajas, characterized by light, harmony, knowledge, and joy. It's the state of self-control, peace, and happiness.

When Tamas and Rajas dominate, life feels difficult; when balanced, life becomes easier. Adopting Sattva practices, such as mindfulness, consuming fruits and vegetables, resting, and engaging in joyful activities, can help maintain or restore this balance. This video provided me with a framework to understand the dynamics of my days and how to influence them positively.

Embracing today's challenges is key to a more manageable future.


Zechariah Davis

Song of the week:

  • Frank Ocean - "Feelings Gone"

Quote of the week:

  • "The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do."
    • Kobe Bryant

Scripture of the Week:

Sources to Gunas and Dr. K:

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*I'm currently creating a resource guide for the MCAT, recognizing that a single approach doesn't suit everyone. Having gained insights from my peers, I believe it's important to share this knowledge further. If you know someone who is studying for the MCAT, please pass along this information to them when the time comes!

