2 min read

2319: How are you?

2319: How are you?

Hey Friends,

This week's been super busy. I've already knocked out four exams, with two more waiting for me, one of them being a Mock MCAT. Lately, I've been feeling more confident than usual, which is saying something because I'm generally a pretty confident person. But every now and then, I get stuck trying to make a decision, like I'm frozen. Thankfully, that doesn't happen as much anymore, and I'm really happy about that.

Having an exam every single day, even on weekends, felt like a real challenge. Each time I finished one, it felt like I was leveling up in a video game. Maybe I've even gained some new abilities from it all? This whole experience is pretty much where I'm at right now, and it leads me to this week's big question: "How are you?"

We hear "How are you?" all the time, but how often do we actually give a real answer? I know I'm guilty of just saying "good" and leaving it at that. But saying "good" doesn't really say much, does it? Especially when talking to friends, family, or even just someone you bump into now and then.

Just saying "good" kind of shuts down the conversation. Like, if you asked me how I was before breakfast, I'd probably say I'm not the best because I'm hungry. It shows that the context matters. Even though I'm usually upbeat, I still have my moments of feeling down, anxious, or like I want to give up. And that's totally normal.

One thing I need to work on is asking people how they're doing in return. I tend to treat it more like a polite thing to say rather than actually wanting to know. And I've realized that's a missed chance to really connect with someone. Too often, I hide behind saying I'm "good" to avoid talking about what's really going on with me. But avoiding the truth doesn't help, and eventually, those bottled-up feelings make a mess when they come out. I've started to wonder why I don't feel better when someone asks me how I am. If I don't tell them what's up, then I can't really get any relief from those feelings.

Our feelings can be complicated and messy, but sharing them honestly can help us connect better with others. I'm trying to get better at this, realizing that real talks can make our relationships richer.

So, "How are You?"


Zechariah Davis

Song of the week:

  • Yeah! - Usher, Lil Jon, Ludacris

Quote of the week:

  • “The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail.”
    • — Nelson Mandela

Scripture of the Week:

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