3 min read

2319: ______'s Reality

2319: ______'s Reality
Photo by NEOM / Unsplash

Hey Friends,

Over the last couple of weeks, I've seen a lot of personal growth, both in how I think and feel. This week, I've been working on understanding myself and others better. By the time you finish this article, I hope you'll have a new view on our "reality"!

"We often like to believe that our perception of the world is an objective truth, a reality shared universally. Yet, as Robert Greene reveals in chapter 8, titled 'The Law of Self-Sabotage,' of his book 'The Laws of Human Nature,' this is a misconception. Our experiences and perceptions are uniquely our own, diverging significantly from one person to the next.

While this insight may seem intuitive, it has recently challenged me to acknowledge that my reality—shaped by personal experiences and understandings—is not universally experienced. What appears simple to me may be complex for someone else.

Robert Greene, best known for 'The 48 Laws of Power,' a New York Times bestseller, introduces 'The Laws of Human Nature' as a guide to personal growth. Despite initial hesitations due to my busy schedule with MCAT preparations, a friend's recommendation over spring break convinced me of its value. Greene illustrates this through the experiences of two students in Paris, learning French. Their distinct attitudes towards learning highlight how our perceptions shape our realities. One student viewed challenges negatively and walked away with their journey as an unhelpful "waste of time", while the other saw mistakes as opportunities for improvement and walked away with the criticism as motivation to keep learning, underlining the importance of our attitudes in shaping our experiences.

Greene also delves into psychology, discussing Carl Jung's concepts of the collective unconscious and archetypes, which are hereditary and universal. Understanding these archetypes—Persona, Shadow, Anima/Animus, and Self—can offer insights into our behavior and reactions.

  1. The Persona: This archetype represents the outward identity we present to the world, acting as a social mask that conceals our true selves. It helps us navigate social interactions by enabling us to fit into different roles and contexts.
  2. The Shadow: Containing repressed ideas, weaknesses, desires, and instincts, the Shadow embodies the parts of ourselves we deny or wish to hide. It represents the darker side of our psyche, including those thoughts and feelings that contradict our societal and personal morals.
  3. The Anima/Animus: These archetypes represent the feminine and masculine aspects within us. The Anima refers to the feminine image within the male psyche, while the Animus represents the masculine image within the female psyche. They embody the opposite-gender traits and qualities we possess or seek in partners, influencing our relationships and self-awareness.
  4. The Self: The archetype of the Self is the unification of the conscious and unconscious aspects of our psyche, representing the pursuit of wholeness and the integration of our various parts into a balanced and whole identity.

Inspired by Greene's exploration and Jung's psychological archetypes, I am motivated to become more conscious of the roles these archetypes play in my daily life. Recognizing and understanding these patterns can lead to personal growth and a deeper comprehension of our behaviors and motivations.

I encourage you to delve into your own perceptions and the archetypes influencing your reality. This journey toward self-awareness not only fosters personal development but also enhances our empathy and understanding of others, paving the way for a more connected and compassionate world.


Zechariah Davis

Song of the week:

  • "Clarity" - Zedd, Foxes

Quote of the week:

  • That ain't real smoke, you can walk right through it.
    • Kendall Davis

Scripture of the Week:

  • Proverbs 3:5

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The Laws of Human Nature. Profile Books 2018.

Kendra Cherry, MSEd. “Which Jungian Archetype Are You?” Verywell Mind, Verywell Mind, 11 Mar. 2023, www.verywellmind.com/what-are-jungs-4-major-archetypes-2795439.