3 min read

2319: White Sands

2319: White Sands

Hey Friends,

Life Update: Finding Strength in Unexpected Places

Isn't it funny how God often has different plans for us than we have for ourselves? Almost three weeks ago, I took my MCAT, and it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was on top of the world. However, what went on behind the scenes leading up to that moment was even more nerve-racking than the test itself.

Four years ago this month, I went in for an ultrasound on my left leg and discovered a deep vein thrombosis—a blood clot. The clot had traveled to my lung, resulting in a pulmonary embolism. Thankfully, I received prompt treatment and recovered well. I never fully understood what caused it, but living a more sedentary lifestyle during the pandemic likely played a role. I was in college, attending online classes, and spent a lot of time sitting, whether for classes or playing video games. This drastic change from an active lifestyle was a shock.

Fast forward to my MCAT preparation. I had been preparing for months, even a whole year. Just before the test, I felt a familiar sensation in my leg. Stress and overthinking made me nervous, but I knew I had to stay calm and mentally prepared. I got my leg checked, and thankfully, it was nothing serious. My body was trying to psych me out, but I kept my mental game strong.

I took the test, and it went well. Physically, I felt great. Then, just as I was recovering from the stress of the MCAT, I experienced a strange chest pain. It happened while playing I was playing the new College Football 25 video game. The pain lingered, and by Sunday, I decided to go to the ER. After numerous tests, they ruled out anything significant. It turned out to be musculoskeletal, exacerbated by my overthinking.

Reflecting on these experiences, I realize the importance of listening to our bodies and maintaining our mental health. Pushing our limits constantly is unsustainable. We need to give ourselves grace and take care of our minds and bodies.

This past week, I found solace in a much-needed beach vacation with my family. Seven hours a day on the beach, walking through the coarse sand, and enjoying the water brought a sense of calm and rejuvenation. We all deserve a break, and this one was essential for me and my family.

As I continue this journey, I know I am capable of handling any challenges ahead. The key is to stay positive. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, keep your head up. Life will test us, but we can get through it with the right mindset.

Actionable Insight: Keep Your Mental Game Strong

When faced with challenges, maintain a positive attitude. Whether you encounter wins or losses, keep pushing forward. Your mindset is your strongest asset. Stay positive, and you'll get through anything life throws your way.


Zechariah Davis

Song of the week:

  • "Superstition"
    • Stevie Wonder

Quote of the week:

Scripture of the Week:

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Looking to next week....