About this site

 Allow me to introduce myself: Zechariah Davis, a recent graduate of Tougaloo College, a small HBCU located in Jackson, MS. Currently, my journey in the field of medicine continues at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, where I am engaged in my postbaccalaureate studies.

 You might be curious about the significance of "2319."This number bears profound importance in my personal journey. It draws from the years 2019, which marked my high school graduation, and 2023 when I proudly completed my college education. Interestingly, the combination of these two numbers didn't initially strike me upon my collegiate achievement. Instead, they find their origins in the movie "Monsters Inc.," where "2319" serves as an alert denoting the presence of a human child. This film has held a cherished place in my heart for as long as memory serves.

 With that, I extend a warm welcome to you, inviting you to step onto the metaphorical "Scare Floor" of my website. It is my sincere hope that you discover something of value within the narratives I share.