3 min read

2319: Back-2-the-Basics

2319: Back-2-the-Basics
Photo by Leo_Visions / Unsplash

There is one album of lo-fi/instrumental music, "Minecraft - Volume Alpha," that I can listen to no matter what the circumstance. I may even make one of its songs as the "Song of the Week" soon. Its serene melodies transport you, making you feel at one with nature or immersed in whatever task you're undertaking. I often listen to it while studying because it takes me to another realm, making the process enjoyable in a unique way.

This week has oscillated between highs and lows, yet we've arrived at another Friday—a milestone always worth celebrating.

Next week marks the third anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic—a period that, paradoxically, seemed to stretch beyond its actual timeframe. Amidst the chaos, I rekindled my passion for gaming, especially with my close friend and cousin, as we dived back into our beloved game, "Rocket League." Although I had dabbled in it back in 2015 upon its release, it was during the pandemic that the game truly captured our attention and became a significant part of our lives.

Rocket League distinguishes itself from other games through its unique blend of physics-based car soccer, offering several game modes with 3v3 being the primary focus. Its simplicity belies a complex and rewarding challenge. Mastery demands dedication, reminiscent of life's broader lessons: the more effort you invest, the greater your rewards.

The game revolves around three fundamental skills: car control, shooting, and defending. Mastery of these basics is akin to training in the gym with the goal of bench pressing 225 lbs. You would start by crafting a schedule and targeting specific exercises to gradually build strength and endurance. Likewise, enhancing your offensive skills in Rocket League involves deliberate practice through shooting training packs and testing your abilities in 1v1 matches.

This concept of focused training is something I'm still honing. There are days when I yearn to bypass the grind and arrive at the outcome. Yet, this mindset overlooks the essence of the journey—the invaluable experiences and lessons learned along the way.

As we welcome the spring season, I encourage you to embrace a mindset of selective focus. Dedicate yourself to a specific area of development, and patiently work towards mastering it. You might be surprised at how this approach not only propels you towards your goals but also enriches your journey with profound insights and fulfillment.

Let's remind ourselves that growth and improvement are incremental and require time, dedication, and patience. So, as we step into another week, let's carry with us the lessons from our hobbies, our music, and our experiences. Together, let's continue to support each other, pursue our passions, and embrace the journey toward becoming the best versions of ourselves.


Zechariah Davis

Song of the week:

  • hunger. on . hillside - J. Cole (with Bas)
    • This week's Song of the Week has been an incredible source of inspiration for me, especially through its thought-provoking lyrics by J. Cole. He articulates the inevitable arrival of difficult times, but also reassures us that they will swiftly pass. The concept of "fighting off hunger" deeply resonated with me; it suggests that true passion is found when one can endure the metaphorical 'hunger pains'—be it distractions or actual hunger—in pursuit of what they love. This idea challenges us to reflect on our dedication and resilience.
    • Moreover, J. Cole's reflections on success and authenticity struck a chord with me. He poses a critical question: can one remain true to themselves in the face of success? This query is pivotal, as I believe in aspiring for success without compromising my identity or values. It's a song rich with layers for contemplation, underscoring the importance of staying true to oneself while pursuing one's ambitions.
    • I hope you find as much value in this song as I have. May it inspire you to stay hungry for your passions, without losing sight of who you are. Enjoy this week's Song of the Week. Stay Hungry!

Scripture of the week:

  • John 15:4️

Quote of the week:

J. Cole Quote - We got dreams and we got the right to chase ’em.

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