2 min read

2319: Grateful For You

2319: Grateful For You
Photo by Pedro Henrique Santos / Unsplash

Hey Friends,

Last week was eventful, and amidst it all, I had the opportunity to reflect on my past experience as a soccer manager. From that introspection, I gained a valuable lesson in gratitude.

In 2018, during my high school days, I found myself in a new role as the manager for the soccer team. Up until then, I had been an active member of various sports teams, participating in track and field, baseball, and basketball recreationally. Becoming the team manager was a significant change, and I was unsure of what to expect.

On my first day as the manager, I felt a mix of nerves and excitement. Many of my friends were on the team, and they encouraged me to take on the role. I decided to take a leap of faith and embrace the challenge wholeheartedly. Initially, the responsibilities seemed overwhelming; managing equipment, practice logistics, uniforms, and stats during games were all part of my new responsibilities.

After that initial day, I questioned whether I was cut out for this position. However, my perspective changed when I met Adam, who had also become a manager. With Adam's arrival, the workload felt much more manageable, as we quickly formed a dynamic managing duo. Throughout the season, we divided tasks and coordinated efficiently. It was as if we could read each other's minds - when one handled stats, the other took care of on-field equipment and water, creating a seamless collaboration.

Time flew by, and before we knew it, we had transitioned from sophomore managers to graduating seniors. During the season, I had the thrill of suiting up for two games, and the adrenaline rush was unforgettable. However, I realized that true camaraderie and a sense of belonging were not solely derived from playing; it came from the shared experiences and bonds we formed as a team.

As we spend a significant amount of time with our family, teams, or organizations, it's essential to remember to express gratitude for those around us. This weekend, I challenge you to show appreciation to your loved ones and acknowledge the importance of camaraderie in creating a strong and supportive community."

Enjoy this weekend,


Song of the Week:

November 18th - Drake

Quote of the Week:

"Most of the time you don't need more information, you need more courage."

-James Clear