2 min read

2319: Fall In Full Effect.

2319: Fall In Full Effect.

Hey Friends,

Happy Fall! It may be a couple of weeks (two to be exact) late to announce that, but hey "better late than never". On a more serious note, when I think of fall, I think of the weather doing a complete 180, and with that flip-flop, here come the unwelcome guests – sinus infections, colds, and the entire crew of flu season!

The Fall of the Sinuses

Well, as you might have guessed, the recent weather change didn't play nice with my sinuses. This week, I've been dealing with a sinus infection, and let me tell you, it's like the flu's pesky cousin. The only real difference is how long they stick around. I reached out to my family and friends over the weekend, only to discover that they were also battling sinus infections. Fortunately, the worst of it hit during the weekend, but it was far from a party.

Now, technically speaking, sinus infections aren't contagious, but here's the catch: if it's caused by a virus, that bug could hitch a ride and infect someone else. Yeah, I know that might've been a bit too much information, but in a nutshell, sinus infections are no joke!

My rules for life

I came across an idea by James Clear recently, who talks about "Two Rules for Life." At first, I couldn't help but wonder how just two rules could possibly guide one's entire life. Life, in my view, is filled with so many intricate aspects, ranging from the ups and downs, the influence of nature, to the dynamics of human relationships. However, I was overthinking this —here are James Clear's

"Two of my rules for life":

1. The person who has the most fun wins.

2. The climb is the fun part."

This rule is so straightforward that it might make you think, "Well, that's obvious." The first rule emphasizes the importance of not treating life too seriously. We often find it challenging to do so, not just because of our jobs or where we stand in society, but mainly because of our own selves. We tend to believe that having fun means being unproductive. But in truth, having fun can lead to being consistent, and consistency is a key factor in achieving success.

My Two Rules for Life

  1. "Be the person that has fun while still being their best self"
  2. "Enjoy family and friends through the journey of life"

The challenge for the week

What are your "Two rules for life"?


Zechariah Davis

Song of the week:

  • "I Wanna Be Down" - Brandy

Quote of the week:

  • "Smile More" - ZDD

2-minute dopamine:

#1. Lebron and Kobe Nike Puppet Commercial: "Three Rings"