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2319: Feelz Like Summa

2319: Feelz Like Summa


This week’s update is short, but don’t worry, it includes more than just a song, quote, and scripture of the week. Finals are finally over, and I am back home. My MCAT prep is in full swing. I spent the past weekend catching up with my family for Mother's Day and reconnecting with friends throughout the week. Being with my friends and family has kept me sane; without their support, I would be struggling.

An idea that I have been working with this week is Parkinson’s Law. According to Parkinson's law, work expands to fill the time allotted for it. If we give ourselves one hour to write or study, we use the most efficient techniques. However, if we allow three or four hours for the same task, we lose efficiency because we believe we have more time. This is the challenge I am facing now as I structure my days. Initially, I was doing my question block sections in 59 Questions and 1 hour and 35-minute intervals, which built my stamina. But once I finished, I often didn't know where to start next. Not because of the amount of questions missed, but because this felt too eclectic.  Tests can be heavy in one section and lighter in another, and vice versa. In turn making it difficult to actually spot patterns and weaknesses. 

The main point is, if I wanted to train shooting free throws, I wouldn't practice layups, three-pointers, or dunks. I would specifically work on my free throws. Similarly, with my question blocks, I have now started to focus on specific content. This has already shown to be beneficial, as it gives me more motivation and incentive to work on my weak areas, knowing that I am improving step-by-step.

I hope you can take something from this. This week, I experimented to see what would work best. For the first time, I specifically focused only on what I needed to do, allowing time for making mistakes and learning from them. It may not feel like the most efficient approach right now, but in the long run, it will streamline my process.

Have a good weekend,

Zechariah Davis

Song of the week:

Quote of the week:

Scripture of the Week:


  • Open Thoughts w/ Anthony Edwards

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