2 min read

2319: Free Will

2319: Free Will
Photo by Gage Walker / Unsplash

Hey Friends,

I find that the age-old debate between Free Will and Fate is a topic worth exploring. This week, I engaged in an intriguing conversation with my classmates on this subject. Our discussion took a clinical perspective, focusing on a scenario where a patient has to decide whether to change a habit or lifestyle in order to prolong their life. In the process, we pondered whether the patient's current life, including external and internal aspects, influences this choice. This decision, we debated, is a question of free will. The author of the article that sparked our discussion claimed that the existence of external factors eliminates free will. While I found this viewpoint radical, it certainly fuels spirited debate.

Personally, I believe in free will. To break it down further, free will essentially means the ability to make choices, and life is brimming with choices. It's challenging to argue otherwise. Just like in a video game, every choice has both a benefit and a consequence, even if the consequence is minor. This connects to the general balance of the universe or even to physics concepts like "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." For instance, instead of working on this week's newsletter, I could have been playing the new Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 video game or catching up on TV shows I'm currently watching. However, I decided to write. That decision was entirely my free will. Of course, we must acknowledge the external factors that motivated my choice to write instead of gaming, but external and internal factors play a role in every situation. It's how we choose to act in light of these factors that reflects our will.

This topic gets my blood pressure rising, but it's something I firmly believe in. It's a bit frustrating because it seems to challenge the saying "You can achieve anything you set your mind to." To a certain extent, it emphasizes that what we desire is only a decision away. Our willpower is what makes us human, and without it, I don't think we would truly grasp the concept of "free will."

This week's approach is a bit different; I can feel the emotions in every paragraph. As this week draws to a close, I encourage you to reflect on the decisions you made in your free will to move closer to your dreams and aspirations.


Zechariah Davis

Song of the week:

  • "Controlla" - Drake

Quote of the week:

Studying Ambiance :

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