2 min read

2319: Navigating Life's Journey

2319: Navigating Life's Journey
Photo by Massimiliano Morosinotto / Unsplash

Hey Friends,

Just last week, I returned from a captivating family vacation in Athens, Greece. Traveling and I share a complex relationship, a blend of admiration and anxiety. While I don't have a fear of flights, I often find myself overwhelmed by nervous thoughts during air travel. Yet, I'm elated to share that the flights for this journey went seamlessly.

This trip revealed an unforeseen lesson about the pursuit of one's "personal legend" and the interpretation of "omens." The concept of a "Personal Legend" might resonate with those who've delved into Paulo Coelho's novel, "The Alchemist."

A "personal legend" encapsulates the very essence of one's life purpose. It serves as a framework for the expedition towards realizing one's dreams. Personally, I've found the quest for purpose to be a recurrent contemplation in my recent days. Previously, I held the belief that my purpose would be unequivocally fulfilled once I achieve my aspiration of becoming a physician. However, as I delved into the pages of the novel, I began to understand that this notion is somewhat linear, almost a perfectly orchestrated sequence of purpose discovery.

Upon deeper reflection, I comprehended that discovering one's purpose is more akin to a journey than a straightforward route from point A to point B. It mirrors a rollercoaster ride, characterized by numerous halts designed to grant opportunities for disembarking. These interludes function as tests, probing the depth of one's passion and commitment. The quote "Before a dream is realized, the Soul of the World tests everything that was learned along the way" offered me renewed assurance that I'm traversing the correct course. My hope is that anyone reading this finds solace and inspiration, understanding that recurrent events are integral parts of the process of purpose realization.

The term "omen" tends to insert a gloomy image in my mind, often associated with negative events. This perception likely arises from the numerous movies and articles I've encountered that emphasize unfavorable omens. However, it's crucial to recognize that omens themselves are impartial signals from the universe. The crux lies in how one reacts to them, determining whether an outcome is positive or negative. In "The Alchemist," omens are referred to as the universe's language, a concept that underscores their significance.

To illustrate the concept of omens, let me draw an example of what I now identify as a favorable omen. When I'm on the interstate, I've developed a habit of observing the colors of cars. White cars are a rarity, but whenever I spot one, I instinctively reduce my speed. This is because, without fail, a police officer tends to appear shortly thereafter. Had I disregarded this omen, I might have found myself facing a speeding ticket. Conversely, a classic instance of an unfavorable omen is the crossing of paths by a black cat. Encountering a black cat is a relatively rare occurrence, and having it cross one's path is even more unusual. While some interpret this as bad luck, I view it as a sign to be more aware of one's surroundings.

Omens serve as life guides. So, the next time you spot a white car, perhaps it's an invitation to exercise caution and slow down!

Our journeys are as unique as the omens we encounter, each contributing to purpose realization. I challenge you this week to take note of any omens in your life and “recurring events” that may appear.

Until Next Week,

Zechariah Davis

Song of the Week:

I Was Never There -The Weekend

Quote of the week:

“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

-Paulo Coelho