3 min read

2319: October 6

2319: October 6

Welcome to the spooktacular season or, as we like to call it, the holiday warm-up act before the grand finale of Christmas! Time seems to sprint ahead until December, and then it decides to take a leisurely stroll. This past week, life's been pretty steady, with a few tweaks to my daily routines that have actually been quite helpful. Oh, by the way, I've seen more spiders in the past week than I have in an entire year. Maybe it's because it's October, or maybe it's the weather causing the spiders to move to warmer areas. Either way, it's funny how October always comes with its share of random spooky surprises.

But before I dive into my reflection on "Mass Hysteria," let's not forget to celebrate the recent victory of Ole Miss against LSU, 55-49! It's keeping our dreams alive of an SEC Championship game appearance. Quick pause for sports excitement, and now, back to the main event.

Remember when the world went into lockdown mode, and people started losing their minds? What flew off the store shelves first? Yep, you guessed it – toilet paper. It's good to have a reasonable stash, but we took it to the next level. Buying ten packs of TP wasn't going to magically ward off COVID, but back then, it was like our talisman. Little did we know, it just caused a frenzy, and suddenly, everyone felt the need to stock up like it was a toilet paper apocalypse. That's the essence of "Mass Hysteria."

Surprise, surprise! After all the TP hoarding, the virus was still having a grand old time. Toilet paper: 0, COVID: 1. COVID wasn't just your average respiratory virus; it turned out to be a psychological whirlwind, a virus with a twist, the trendsetter of its kind.

Remember those spiders I mentioned earlier? Imagine you're at a restaurant with your pals, and a spider decides to join your party. Naturally, you nudge your friend, and, like a synchronized dance, everyone leaps from their seats, fleeing the spider zone. It's like a mini-scale mass hysteria event. The thing is, this sort of frenzy can happen on a smaller or larger scale, all sparked by someone's actions or words.

In an academic setting, picture this: you've diligently prepared for an exam, feeling confident. Then, you spot your classmates frantically cramming, and suddenly, self-doubt creeps in. It's crucial to stay grounded and not let the panic of others shake your confidence. Remember, not everything applies to you.

So, as we navigate the twists and turns of life, let's keep a sense of humor handy, especially in those moments when mass hysteria threatens to sweep us off our feet. Stay calm, stay cool, and remember that not every spider (or situation) is cause for alarm.


Zech 🕷️😄🕷️

Song of the week:

  • "Virginia Beach" - Drake

Quote of the week:

  • “3 things that help luck:

 1. Deconstructing your craft, so you know what good opportunities look like.

 2. Remaining vigilant, so you notice when lucky breaks come your way.

 3. Acting quickly, so you are more likely to seize luck when it arrives.”

  • – James Clear'

Books I Recommend:

  1. Life of Pi
  • Author: Yann Martel

2. The Alchemist

  • Author: Paulo Coelho