2 min read

2319: Not all at Once

2319: Not all at Once
Photo by Roberto Nickson / Unsplash

As I sit down at nearly midnight to craft this newsletter, I can't help but reflect on the rollercoaster of the past couple of weeks. Sorry for skipping last week’s post on December 15th. Finals were crazy, filled with highs and lows, but we made it through!

This week, I made my way back home, and man, "Oh what a relief it is". It's been awesome catching up with family and friends. Being the middle kid in a trio of siblings – and the only boy – you’d think I’d be the "forgotten one", but it’s not really like that for me.

The thing I missed most? Arguing with my youngest sibling about which coffee shop in town is the best, and daydreaming about opening my own chain someday. Sure, we could chat about it on the phone, but it's just different in person. It's like the difference between watching a football game on TV and actually being there in the stadium.

Just an hour ago, I was talking with my cousin, and he said something that got me thinking. He mentioned that this is the first Christmas break where he feels it's totally okay to relax and, of course, tend to specific aspects of careers as needed but "not too much".

That hit me because I feel the same way. Now that we're both out of college, life feels more open-ended. The pressures aren't laid out for us anymore; they're what we make of them based on our own situations.

Merry Christmas,


Song of the week:

  • "Never Too Much" - Luther Vandross

Scripture of the week:

  • Proverbs 16:3

The Quote of the week:

  • Learn to love slow progress. Learn to forgive yourself for the inevitable backsliding. And of course, expect to be uncomfortable along the way." —Steven Kotler

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