2 min read

2319: P & C

2319: P & C
Photo by Leon Contreras / Unsplash

Hey Friends,

There's something captivating about the sight of a campfire slowly burning, almost like the tranquil feeling you get while watching a sunset on the beach. As I write this, a YouTube video of a campfire against the backdrop of a sunset is playing in the background, and I've included a link in case you want to experience the absolute serenity it offers. I've mentioned it before, but the simple act of observing a campfire brings me peace and comfort – something we often yearn for in this world. Peace and Comfort, intangible as they are, can often be found in life's small pleasures.

Memories of roasting marshmallows start to flood my mind as I write, and I welcome these thoughts because they allow me to relive those moments and realize how I wasn't exactly a pro at the time. They're good memories to look back on and have a good laugh.

Today, when I woke up, I had every intention of working on a section for this week's newsletter. However, it seems that fate had other plans for what I should focus on. I typically try to take it easy on Thursdays, but sometimes, I feel like any rest is counterproductive, despite repeatedly telling myself, "You have to rest to progress." So, my chosen method of resting today was to do absolutely nothing for about 40 minutes. I followed my usual morning routine and then settled onto the couch, allowing my thoughts to flow freely through my mind to see how I was feeling. Besides being a bit tired, I found myself in a content state of mind – not too high or too low emotionally, just a pleasant equilibrium.

The energy of today put me in a reflective mood. It's a positive kind of reflection, looking back on the good times, like when I used to play NBA 2K 16 and had the song of the week, "365," on constant repeat. However, as my mind wandered through these pleasant memories, it also started to veer toward the not-so-good times. This is where the challenge lay – accepting those thoughts and moving forward. The power of our minds to shape our moods is profound, so it's crucial to keep an eye on spiraling thoughts.

My challenge for the upcoming week is to set aside 15 minutes to do nothing and then take note of how it affects my overall mood.

Find your Peace and Comfort,

Zechariah Davis

Song of the week:

  • "365" - DJ Khaled

Quote of the week:

Things I'm Listening to:

#1. Podcast: The Leader's Cut

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