2 min read

2319: Piece and Lego

2319: Piece and Lego
Photo by Alienware / Unsplash

Building a Personal Computer (PC) can be perceived as an ambiguous project by some. However, this misperception arises due to the emphasis placed on the end product. In reality, assembling a PC is comparable to constructing Legos, albeit slightly more complex. The fundamental concept of assembling something incrementally remains unchanged. A PC comprises six primary components: the Motherboard, Central Processing Unit, Rapid Access Memory, Graphics Processing Unit, and storage (known as a Solid State Drive), all enclosed within a case that also accommodates cooling fans to maintain system temperature.

To power this bad boy, we need to focus on the power supply unit. The voltage of this component is measured in watts, with a range of 100-1000 W. Generally, to ensure the system remains viable in the future, a power supply of 750-1000 W should be sufficient.

The first step in building is selecting a CPU. The two brands that are most commonly chosen are Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Intel. Most people will recognize Intel for their iconic television commercials, while, on the other hand, many may recognize AMD for having GPUs in the Sony PlayStation 5 (PS5). The CPU is most similar to the human brain, as it is responsible for all main functions, such as the input and output of data.

After choosing a CPU, the next step is to select the motherboard. As you may have guessed, the motherboard choice is determined by the CPU selection. The motherboard features a chip socket that accommodates the CPU, and the type of socket depends on whether you have an AMD or Intel CPU.

Rapid Access Memory (RAM) is responsible for temporary storage, holding data while browsing a website, and moving the computer mouse. RAM is long and thin.

To ensure a fluid image appears across a monitor, we need to turn our attention to the GPU. There are two major manufacturers of GPUs: AMD and Nvidia. In terms of price, the GPU is the bulkiest hardware component in the system. AMD cards are known as "Radeon," while Nvidia cards are known as "GeForce."

The SSD, or Solid State Drive, is the storage form utilized in modern computers. Previously, the more widely used storage form was the Hard Disk Drive or HDD. With the advancements in computer technology, especially in terms of speed, new storage forms have been introduced, leading to the development of the SSD.

This week’s Mantra:

Computers, Lego’s, or obstacles in life have a way of being built or pushed through to the end. The end product of the said project will look extremely complex to the outside eye, but to you, it represents hard work, dedication, and most importantly resilience. My advice is not to necessarily jump right into building a PC, however, if you feel up to that challenge, just do it.

-Zechariah Davis

Song of the Week:

100 mil - J.Cole ft. Bas