3 min read

2319: Re-Set

2319: Re-Set

Hey Friends,

This past weekend was a memorable one, as I had the opportunity to return home after months of immersing myself in classes. I had been looking forward to this trip for ages because it was timed with some big events: my buddy was about to become part of a fraternity, and there was the exciting football face-off between Ole Miss and Georgia. I couldn't wait to catch the game with my family. With all the intense study sessions lately, heading home felt like more than just some time off. It felt like returning to a place filled with calm and new energy. Sure, Carbondale is a nice, quiet town, but nothing beats the sense of renewal I get at home, readying me for whatever's next.

I'm excited to announce a new venture: the launch of "2319" on TikTok. My first post is already making waves, and you can view it here. As Thanksgiving approaches, I'm also considering broadening my digital footprint. This might involve setting up a dedicated Instagram page for "2319" or experimenting with Instagram Shorts on my personal account. The goal is to create a space where I can share my stories and experiences, engaging with a wider audience in a dynamic and creative way. Keep an eye out for these developments and join me on this exciting digital journey.

The article "How to be a Good Human Being", recommended by a mentor, has opened a new perspective on interpersonal dynamics. It fascinatingly classifies individuals into two distinct groups: Diminishers and Illuminators. This dichotomy offers insightful reflections on our daily interactions. Diminishers, often engulfed in their own world, inadvertently make others feel insignificant by forming and acting on baseless assumptions. Their presence can be subtly disempowering, leaving a shadow on one's self-esteem. On the flip side, Illuminators shine through their empathetic approach. They are the ones who listen intently, not just to respond but to understand. Their questions are thoughtful, timed to encourage openness and self-expression.

In my personal journey, I have crossed paths with both types. While Diminishers have surfaced occasionally, their impact has been minimal, thanks to a conscious effort to limit such draining interactions. My natural inclination leans towards being an Illuminator. I find a sense of fulfillment in creating a space where others feel valued and heard. This approach is more than a habit; it's a reflection of my core belief that everyone has a story worth listening to, especially in a world where the louder voices often drown out the softer ones. By fostering an environment of active listening and understanding, we can collectively illuminate the spaces we inhabit, making the world a little brighter for everyone.


Zechariah Davis

Song of the week:

  • Blessings - Chance the Rapper

Quote of the week:

  • "The secret to waking up is to wake up way earlier than you have to. When you have 1-2 hours where you can just sit there calmly, drinking coffee, and not be rushed, you feel ten times better. Later on, you can work on being productive in the morning too, if you please."
  • Simon Sarris 

Good Laugh:

#1. Snowdogs Clip

Concept Art for Re-Set:

  • Revisiting Roots
  • Embracing the Digital Era
  • A Deeper Dive into Human Dynamics

Use this week's concept art when sharing with this link!
