2 min read

2319: Prime-Time.

2319: Prime-Time.

Hey Friends,

Welcome back to 2319! Today, I'd like to share a bit of reflection, a touch of football excitement, and a lesson learned from my journaling journey.


Last Saturday, September 16th, was an unforgettable day for me and all football fans across America. The Colorado vs. Colorado State football game delivered nail-biting moments and ending in a double-overtime 43-35 victory for Colorado. Starting with a late hit penalty on Colorado's star player, Travis Hunter, resulting in a lacerated liver. It felt like a proving-point game for Coach Deion Sanders, AKA "Coach Prime." This was the first time I had ever stayed up till 2 AM to watch a football game. As a dedicated football enthusiast, witnessing Deion Sanders' enduring impact on the game is a true pleasure.

Reflections on the Past

As my week unfolded, I juggled test preparations and finalized plans for my upcoming twenty-third birthday celebration. Amidst the busyness, I found myself pondering my past, specifically the pivotal moment two years ago when I began my consistent journaling journey in 2021. Back then, my mind was filled with a whirlwind of emotions, and I needed a way to let them out. So, I devised a simple yet thought-provoking daily ritual: two questions every morning, "What am I grateful for?" and "What will I accomplish today?" These simple questions made me think deeply and carefully. Once I started typing or writing, I couldn't stop, and it often led to spontaneous journal entries as long as this week's newsletter.

The Power of Expression

Over the last two days, I took a look back at my very first journal entry. Right from the beginning, it was clear I was dealing with something big. Those intense feelings stayed with me as I read through the whole journal. It all led to a powerful realization: "At the end of the day, everyone is facing their own challenges, and it might not be easy for them to talk about it." This thought is a strong reminder that behind the masks we sometimes wear, everyone has their own difficulties and struggles. But, it's important to remember that we don't have to face these challenges all by ourselves.

This is a shorter issue of 2319 but I wanted to try a new layout of the ideas within every paragraph to try and keep the scatter-brain a little bit organized. Hopefully, the comment section at the bottom is working and I would love to hear your feedback or answer any questions. Until next week, take care, and practice empathy with your close ones.


Zechariah Davis

Song of the week:

  • "Here I Go" - Mystikal

Quote of the week:

  • "Whatchu gone do when you get what you want? - Deion Sanders

2-minute motivation:

#1. "Gimme My Theme Music"

Coach: Deion Sanders