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2319: Ignoring Your-Self

2319: Ignoring Your-Self

Hey Friends,

I hope this Christmas has been filled with heartwarming memories and laughter shared with your loved ones. These past few weeks have been incredibly rejuvenating, leaving me eager and curious about what lies ahead. It's been seven months since I launched this newsletter. Reflecting on the time just days before my college graduation, I recall thinking this might be a terrible idea, fearing my first post would be my last. You might wonder why I was so negative. In short, I was overly concerned about others' opinions rather than focusing on my own feelings. But as this newsletter continues to be a personal journal, I feel a sense of pride in myself. Who knows? Perhaps in the future, I'll be toasting at a Christmas party for the "2319".

This year, we experienced what might have been the most cherished Monday in the history of Mondays. The last comparable one was Monday, December 25th, 2017. I'll leave the rest of the holiday tracking to Google. But indeed, it was a Hall of Fame-worthy Monday. Time seems to fly by; a close friend recently reminded me that we were freshmen in high school nearly nine years ago. It took me a moment to digest that. Nonetheless, it's all positive – we're only getting wiser! This Christmas, I found myself deeply grateful for everything: the minor inconveniences, matching pajamas, delicious food, family, friends, and Christmas movies. For me, Christmas is a time to reflect on my old physical journals and vision boards, assessing my growth. This year's biggest takeaway is the concept of "Ignoring Yourself".

"Ignoring Yourself" is probably the hardest challenge in this social media and technology era, where specific desires can be fulfilled instantly. To illustrate this, let me discuss my relationship with my four pillars. Growing up, gaming and playing sports were the perfect developmental duo. However, as I matured and pursued my dreams, it became challenging to temporarily let go of parts of myself. In college, my pillars were education, gaming, socializing, and faith. Progressing through college, extracurricular activities started to overshadow my pillars, forcing me to add more responsibilities instead of setting aside what I didn't need. Upon graduation, I felt an intense sense of relief, similar to landing a plane. This feeling is common when you never deny yourself and seek immediate satisfaction. In reality, the most fulfilling gratification is often delayed. While we naturally want to solve problems quickly, sometimes the solution is a slow and steady approach.

As we close out 2023, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been reading. Knowing that I bring joy to others through my writing means the world to me. Stay tuned for more to come next year.

Happy New Year!

Zechariah Davis

Song of the week:

  • "Live Your Life" - T. I., Rihanna.

Quote of the week:

  • "I confess that, in 1901, I said to my brother Orville that men would not fly for 50 years. Two years later, we were making flights. This demonstration of my inability as a prophet gave me such a shock that I have ever since refrained from all prediction."
    • Wilbur Wright

Scripture of the week:

  • More on Ignoring yourself

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