2 min read

2319: Speed-Flip

2319: Speed-Flip
Photo by Clay Banks / Unsplash


I have a few friends that refer to Thursday as Friday Eve. It makes sense but it just doesn't have that same feel as Christmas Eve. Anyways, I hope your week has been full of successes and breakthroughs! If hasn't been as productive as you may have liked, remember to celebrate the small things, any progress is worth acknowledging.

This week has been quite an eventful one for me as I've dedicated a consistent 4-6 hours each day to studying for my classes in my Post-Bac program at Southern Illinois School of Medicine. The level of commitment I've shown toward my academics has been both challenging and rewarding. As I reflect on my progress, I've realized the importance of not allowing the outcome of a single test to dictate my emotions in the days and weeks to come. It's an area where I often struggle, driven by my perfectionistic tendencies and my desire to excel and be at the "top."

However, through my experiences, I've come to understand that aiming for the top comes with its own set of compromises. While striving for excellence is admirable, it can sometimes blind us to other important aspects of our lives, such as mental and physical health. I've recognized the need for a well-rounded routine beyond studying, one that encompasses the things I love and cherish.

The truth is, in order to maintain a healthy balance, you have to make time for what you love. For some, it may be running marathons, DIYs, resistance training, or engaging in a hobby like playing Rocket League, as is the case for me. The key lies in understanding that we have control over how these activities impact our academics and lives. By setting boundaries and allocating specific time slots for leisure and recreation, we can prevent them from becoming overbearing in academic pursuits.

Incorporating these elements into my life has been an ongoing process. It's not always easy to strike the perfect equilibrium, but I'm committed to finding that middle ground. Ultimately, this journey serves as a reminder that success is not solely defined by academic achievements but also by personal growth, fulfillment, and harmonious existence. As I continue to navigate my educational path, I am determined to cultivate a mindset that values the pursuit of knowledge while appreciating the joys and diversions life has to offer.

Song of the week:

“All of the Lights” - Kanye West

Quote of the week:

"Start with the thing you are most motivated to do.

Start with a small habit you think is fun and do it consistently. This will not only feel satisfying, but also open your eyes to the type of person you can become.

After the first domino falls, you can use the momentum to do a little more."

-James Clear
