2 min read

2319: Today’s Chaos

2319: Today’s Chaos
Photo by Brett Jordan / Unsplash

"Have you ever wondered why some days just don't go as expected? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't have the answer to that question yet. However, I can give you some insight on how to really enjoy these types of days. As you might have guessed from my initial statement, today was very chaotic, but I managed to overcome every obstacle. Let me give you a little context. It's graduation season, and there's a scramble to make sure homes, venues, and so on are in tip-top condition. I happen to fall into the category of having a "home" during this celebratory season.

Our first stop was the fan-favorite Walmart, where our mission was to acquire bags of mulch. Thankfully, a close friend of mine accompanied me on this journey. The first step was to walk inside and purchase the mulch, which wasn't as seamless as I expected. After a thrilling three hours of attempting to acquire it, we came to the conclusion that it wasn't going to happen there. At this point, I was feeling absolutely defeated, but all I could do was mention to my friend that there might be some hope at Lowe's. "Fingers crossed."

To our surprise, Lowe's was our savior, and I may only shop here for my gardening needs. The takeaway from today's excursion was to remain calm. In most instances, when things aren't going your way, the natural reaction is to overreact as if the world is ending. In actuality, remaining poised will allow you to see through the "fire." I believe that's what allowed my close friend and me to make it through the day."

Song of the Day

-Travis Scott “Lose.”

Quote of the Week

"Doubt is such a strange thing. I mean, it's, um, there'll be times where you succeed and there are times that you fail. So, wasting your time doubting whether you're going to be successful or not is pointless. It is. You just put one foot in front of the other, you control what you can control, and then you see what the outcome is, right.

If you win, great. You're gonna have to wake up the next day and do the journey over again. If you lose, sucks, but you have to wake up the next day and do the journey all over again anyway.”

-The Late Kobe Bryant


*Just in case you are an audio type of person, here is the link to the original video.

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