2 min read

2319: Focused Goals

Where will your path lead?
Photo by Patrick Tomasso / Unsplash

What's going on friends,

As I sit at my empty desk in my hometown, I feel a bittersweet mix of emotions. I am moving on to the next phase of my pursuit of medicine, having left behind a wonderful twenty-two years in the great state of Mississippi. While it may be comical or even controversial to some, given Mississippi's notorious reputation as a non-progressive state, the truth is that, like us humans, it is far from perfect. Nevertheless, change is slowly, very slowly, becoming imminent.

Moving can be a challenging experience, and it always makes me question my own strength every time I move myself or a family member. But change is inevitable, and sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zones to pursue new opportunities. The drive to my new apartment took a little over five and a half hours. Some may think this is a terrible drive, but it's all about perspective. For some, five hours west gets them to a beautiful beach, while heading east takes them to the lively city of Dallas.

In the midst of my move, I made a small change to my morning routine, switching from medium roast coffee to Earl Grey tea. I found inspiration in NBA player Jaylen Brown, who mentioned in a YouTube video that he drinks tea instead of coffee because he is a more spiritual person. Sometimes it's the small changes that can make a big impact. Tea seems to be more of a beverage that provides a calming effect when consumed in the evening versus coffee.

Recently, I read James Clear’s weekly newsletter, and a quote that he provided deeply resonated with me. It reminded me that it's not about how fast we accomplish our goals, but rather how consistent we are in working towards them. “The person who focuses on one task and sees it through to completion—even if they work in a somewhat slow or outdated manner—beats the endless optimizer who jumps from tool to tool and always hopes a new piece of technology will help them finish what they start.”

I recently had a meaningful discussion with a close friend of mine who embarked on his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) journey and caught up on how fast our lives seem to be moving at the moment. Whether venturing into the realm of veterinary medicine or allopathic medicine, both demand a significant investment of time. It's only natural to gravitate towards the route that promises the most valuable experiences within a reasonable timeframe. What struck me most from our exchange was the profound realization that focusing on one goal at a time is absolutely crucial for the next step to unfold before us.

As I settle into my new apartment, I'm reflecting on the past twenty-two years I spent in Mississippi. It wasn't a perfect place, but it was home, and I'm grateful for the memories and experiences I gained there. Now, I'm excited to embark on my next steps in pursuing medicine and exploring new opportunities.

Song of the week:

*All My Life - Lil Durk (feat J.Cole)

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Quote of the week:

“The person who focuses on one task and sees it through to completion—even if they work in a somewhat slow or outdated manner—beats the endless optimizer who jumps from tool to tool and always hopes a new piece of technology will help them finish what they start.”

-James Clear

Until Next Week,
